The Beastblade

This broadsword’s wide blade extends from the lion-headed crosspiece like a steel tongue from the open jaws. It bears enchantments which give the wielder +1 to attack and damage, but is considered +2 and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against magical beasts such as chimeras, hydras, and gorgons.

Though sentient, the Beastblade communicates mainly in growls and roars. Those who wield it are immune to all fear effects, but the blade’s spirit will not accept retreat from combat – those attempting to withdraw from melee or flee a fight must successfully beat the Beastbalde’s ego score of 17 (Charisma, Will, or Fear saving throw) or it will force them to continue fighting instead. This has resulted in the death of many of the blade’s wielders.

Those with bardic knowledge or who are deeply steeped in arcane lore may recall the tale of a Beastblade that bears a blessing and a curse – “those who wield it know no fear.”

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The Sword of Storms

This gleaming blue-steel blade is tied to the power of the storms, and in addition to it’s +2 enhancement bonus, deals an extra 1d6 points of lightning damage on a hit. Those who wield it resist 5 points of lightning damage from any source. Additionally, the weapon can strike with the power of a thunderclap – once per day, upon a successful blow, the wielder can force an opponent to succeed on a DC 15 Constitution, Fortitude, or Petrify/Polymorph saving throw, or be pushed back 10 feet and stunned for one round.

Posted in 1st edition D&D, 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons / d20 fantasy / Pathfinder, 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons, Equipment, Magic Item and tagged by with no comments yet.

“Three Strikes”

This longsword +2 has been passed down from generation to generation of elves, first discovered by Kiyarniar Buentiejal, famed founder of the wood elves Trangull Drevo. Rumors say that it was given to Kiyarniar by Corellon Larethian.

The owner can go below 0 hit points twice wielding this weapon, but on the third time her hit points reach 0, she finally dies, skipping stabilization attempts, etc.

This sword is also imbued with wounding.

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