
Posted in Creature and tagged undead by Stephen Hilderbrand with no comments yet.
The Beastblade
This longsword’s wide blade extends from the lion-headed crosspiece like a steel tongue from the open jaws. It bears enchantments which give the wielder +1 to attack and damage, but is considered +2 and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against mundane and magical beasts such as giant rats, dire wolves, chimeras, hydras, and gorgons.
Though sentient, the Beastblade communicates mainly in growls and roars. Those who wield it are immune to all fear effects, but the blade’s spirit will not accept retreat from combat – those attempting to disengage from melee or flee a fight must successfully beat the Beastbalde’s ego score of 17 (Charisma, Will, or Fear saving throw to resist) or it will force them to continue fighting. This has resulted in the death of many of the Beastblade’s wielders.
Those with bardic knowledge or who are deeply steeped in arcane lore may recall the tale of a Beastblade that bears a blessing and a curse – “those who wield it know no fear.”
As the wielder reaches higher levels, the Beastblade may gain additional powers. At 5th level it deals an additional 1d6 damage against magical and mundane beasts. It’s roar becomes more forceful as it’s wielder grows stronger, and at 7th level gains the power to evoke thunderwave, shatter, and fear (per the spells) once per day each. At 9th level it gains the ability to cast shout once per day, and deals an additional 1d6 damage against mundane and magical beasts.
Posted in Equipment, Magic Item and tagged sword by Adam A. Thompson with no comments yet.