Creature: Psychic Flying Super Roper (CR 21)
Psychic Flying Super-Roper
Chaotic Evil Huge Magical Beast CR 21
Init: +0 Senses: blindsight 90′, darkvision 120′, low-light vision.
Listen +34 Spot +34
AC: 44 (-2 size, +0 dex, +36 Natural), touch 8, flat-foot 44
HP: 298 (HD 31d10+155)
Saves: Fort: 22 Reflex: 19 Will: 13
Resistances, immunities & weaknesses: SR 39, immunity to electricity, resistance to cold 10, vulnerability to fire.
MV: 10ft, fly 60ft
Base Attack: +31 Grp: +18
Attack: strand +35 or bite +37 (3d6+6, 19-20 x2)
Full Attack: strand +35 ranged touch (drag) and bite +37 (3d6+6, 19-20 x2)
Atk Options: Weakness, spell-like abilities (chain lightning, lightning bolt).
Space / Reach: 15’/15′ (75′ with strands).
Abilities: Str:27 (+8) Dex:11 Con:21 Int:12 Wis:16 Cha: 12
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand), Quicken Spell-like ability (Touch of Idiocy), Empower Spell-like Ability (lightning Bolt), Improved Critical (bite), Lightning Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Multiattack.
Skills:Climb +12, Hide +30*, Listen +34, Spot +34.
SA: spell-like abilities.
SQ: immunities & resistances (see above).
Tainted and transformed by strange radiations from the deepest reaches of the outer planes, these ropers have become so dangerous that none but the most powerful of heroes can defeat them.
Tactics: Attempting to attack with surprise, or just flying at a group of creatures hurling lightning bolts, the roper will attempt to draw characters into it’s maw with it’s strands, using it’s touch of idiocy ability on them as it grabs them. Creatures using weapons to attack it’s strands will be disarmed (+4 to disarm attempts).
Spell-Like Abilities: At Will – Detect Thoughts, Ghoul Touch, Touch of Idiocy. 3/Day – Blink, Dimension Door, Lightning Bolt (DC 14). 1/Day – Chain Lightning. Spells are as by a 15th level sorcerer (save DC = 12+spell level)
Drag (Ex): If a roper hits with a strand attack, the strand latches onto the opponent’s body. This deals no damage but drags the stuck opponent 10 feet closer each subsequent round (provoking no attack of opportunity) unless that creature breaks free, which requires a DC 27 Escape artist or DC 23 Strength check. The check DCs are Strength-based, and the Escape Artist DC includes a +4 racial bonus. A roper can draw in a creature within 10 feet of itself and bite with a +4 attack bonus in the same round. A strand has 30 HP and can be attacked by making a successful sunder attempt. However, attacking a roper’s strand does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the strand is currently attached to a target, the roper takes a –4 penalty on its opposed attack roll to resist the sunder attempt. Severing a strand deals no damage to a roper.
Strands (Ex): Most encounters with a roper begin when it fires strong, sticky strands. The creature can have up to six strands at once, and they can strike up to 75 feet away (no range increment). If a strand is severed, the roper can extrude a new one on its next turn as a free action.
Weakness (Ex): Anyone grabbed by a strand must succeed at a DC 30 Fort save or take 2d8 points of strength damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
* +8 Racial in stony or icy areas.
Posted in Creature by Adam A. Thompson with no comments yet.
Location: Castle von Stieglitz: Front Grounds
The Castle von Stieglitz is located in a broad valley deep within the Cyrűk Mountains along the northeast shore of the Old Bay. Its isolated location has provided Baron von Stieglitz and his militia of seventy-five men an outpost for their nefarious operations for decades. Despite being universally feared, the citizens of neighboring towns joyously attend the annual St. Zyekni’s Day festivities.
The enormous Castle von Stieglitz offers an impressive counterpoint to the distant mountains surrounding this broad valley. Atop a slightly inclining hill, its stonework glows in the afternoon sun. Normally a festive occasion, the castle grounds are abnormally quiet for this St. Zyekni’s Day. The trees within the complex are early in their barrenness, despite the planned celebration of autumn harvest season. There is no welcoming party, save a flock of ravens perched by the hundreds in the defoiled arbors. Other ravens pirouette about the main steps, rending pieces of cloth from one another’s beaks.
If the characters approach the ravens, they fly off, landing on the multi-stepped rooftops of the giant stone structure, calling out to their brethren. The players should feel a sense of approaching horror in this scene. If the characters examine the cloth, they notice that it was once a tunic, but there is no sign of the disrobed.
Map update to follow…
The front door is locked and barricaded from the other side, so the characters will most likely attempt to explore the grounds at the rear of the castle.
Behind the scenes: In his isolation, Baron von Stieglitz has allowed himself to become corrupted by dark, sinister, undead forces. His greed led him down a path of self ruin until he himself became a Wight. He has no plans to trap the party, or even the townspeople, otherwise he would hold the annual celebration as usual. He is so currupted, he has not left his bed chamber in months. The allegiances of his men have splintered, and the rival factions have set up their own mini-baronies within his lands. The party will most likely have enountered at least two of these factions, both claiming dominance over the lands, and requiring tariffs on all things traversing the road the parallels the Rychlý (Rapid) River from the lands to the northeast of the Cyrűk Mountains to the port town of Onuago. This will lead the characters to wonder who holds dominion. The answer is, it’s up for grabs, much like Russia after the Cold War.
Faction leaders include:
Posted in Uncategorized and tagged Horror of the Old Ones, Location by Stephen Hilderbrand with no comments yet.
Character: Gundar (Lvl 15)
Unsuited to paladinhood, Gundar Harl nevertheless continued his career as an adventuring priest. He grew wiser but eventually reached the limit of his abilities as a cleric. From within the stained-glass windowed cathedral he had built he became more interested in the natural world and the sun’s place in it, and after deep contemplation of this mystery Pelor granted him powers related to the sun the better to fight evil.
Gundar Harl LG Size Medium Male Human Cleric 14, Master of Radiance** 1 CR 15
Senses: normal vision
Listen +3 Spot +3
AC: 25 (-1 dex, +11 armor, +4 shield, +1 deflection)
HD: 15d8+15 HP: 90
MV: 20′, fly 40′ or 50′ mounted
Base Attack: +10/+5 Grp: +14
Attack: +16/+11 heavy mace (1d8+4) or +9 Heavy Crossbow (1d10, 19-20 x2)
F: +12 R: +3 W: +14
s: 16[18] (+4) d: 9 c: 12 (+1) i: 10 w: 17 (+3) c: 15 (+2)
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Mounted Combat, Improved Sunder, Negotiator, Ride-By Attack, Spell Penetration.
Skills: concentration +18, diplomacy +19, know religion +4, know history +4, know nature +8, profession (barrister) +6, sense motive +5, spellcraft +2
Gear: (76,000 gp worth) gold holy symbol of pelor, Greater Marbles of Ulthar***, +3 full plate (10,650gp), +3 flaming heavy mace (32,312gp), +2 Large Steel Sheild (4170gp), Heavy crossbow (50gp), 10 bolts, white tabard with gold sun sewn on chest, Red Cloak or Resistance +1 (1000gp), Ring of Protection +1, gauntlets of ogre power (4000), Winged Boots (16,000), heavy warhorse with saddle, bit and saddlebags (426), backpack, 3 flasks of holy water (75), bedroll, 3 torches, 5 days rations, etc.
SA: Cleric Spells (Domains: Strength, Sun), Turn Undead (as 15th level), Greater Turning 1/day, Feat of Strength (+15 str 1/day for 1 rd.), Radiant Aura 1/day
Spells Prepared:
7th: (2+1): holy word, mass inflict light wounds, sunbeam*
6th: (3+1): harm, heal, undeath to death, stoneskin*
5th: (3+1): dispel evil, flame strike, spell resistance, righteous might*
4th: (4+1): death ward, divine power, dismissal, freedom of movement, fire shield*
3rd (5+1): bestow curse, blindness, dispel magic, inflict serious wounds, prayer, searing light*
2nd (6+1): aid, align weapon, inflict moderate wounds, sound burst, 2x spiritual weapon, bull strength*
1st (6+1): bless, fear, 2x divine favor, magic stone, doom, enlarge person*
0th (6): detect magic, guidance, inflict minor wounds, light, mending, resistance
* : domain spell
Radiant Aura(Su): A master of radiance can emanate an aura of brilliant light that weakens undead creatures. The aura provides bright illumination in a 30 foot radius around the character, and a shadowy illumination for an additional 30 feet beyond that. Creatures that take penalties in bright light also take them while within the radius of the bright aura. In addition, undead creatures within the radius of bright light take -2 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws.
Activating the radiant aura is a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity While her radiant aura is active, a master of radiance casts spells with the light descriptor at +2 caster level.
The aura lasts one minute, and is the equivalent of a 5th level spell with the light descriptor for the purpose of interacting with spells and effects with the darkness descriptor.
** Master of Radiance: see Libris Mortis p 45.
*** Marbles of Ulthar: see Claw / Claw / Bite at
Posted in Character by Stephen Hilderbrand with no comments yet.
Character: Gundar (Lvl 10)
During this phase of his life, Gundar Harl’s main goal is to establish a temple. Useful both as a base of operations and as a source of income. He will either try to reconcile himself to the elders of his church or, failing that, build it in an area where a temple to Pelor does not yet exist.
Gundar Harl LG Size Medium Male Human Cleric 10 CR 10
Senses: normal vision
Listen +3 Spot +3
AC: 23 (-1 dex, +10 armor, +3 shield, +1 deflection)
HD: 10d8+10 HP: 62
MV: 20′, fly 40′ or 50′ mounted
Base Attack: +7/+2 Grp: +11
Attack: +12/+7 heavy mace (1d8+4) or +6 Heavy Crossbow (1d10, 19-20 x2)
F: +9 R: +3 W: +11
s: 16(18) (+4) d: 9 c: 12 (+1) i: 10 w: 16 (+3) c: 15 (+2)
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Mounted Combat, Improved Sunder, Negotiator
Skills: concentration +13, diplomacy +17, know religion +4, know history +4, profession (barrister) +6, sense motive +5, spellcraft +2
Gear: (49,000 gp worth) gold holy symbol of pelor, +2 full plate (5650gp), +2 flaming heavy mace (18,312gp), +1 Large Steel Sheild (1170gp), Heavy crossbow (50gp), 10 bolts, white tabard with gold sun sewn on chest, Red Cloak or Resistance +1 (1000gp), Ring of Protection +1, gauntlets of ogre power (4000), Winged Boots (16000), heavy warhorse with saddle, bit and saddlebags (426), backpack, 3 flasks of holy water (75), bedroll, 3 torches, 5 days rations, etc.
SA: Cleric Spells (Domains: Strength, Sun), Turn Undead, Greater Turning 1/day, Feat of Strength (+10 str 1/day for 1 rd.),
Spells Prepared:
5th: (2+1): flame strike, spell resistance, righteous might*
4th: (3+1): death ward, divine power, dismissal, freedom of movement, fire shield*
3rd (4+1): bestow curse, dispel magic, inflict serious wounds, prayer, searing light*
2nd (5+1): aid, align weapon, inflict moderate wounds, sound burst, spiritual weapon, bull strength*
1st (5+1): bless, fear, divine favor, magic stone, doom, enlarge person*
0th (6): detect magic, guidance, inflict minor wounds, light, mending, resistance
* : domain spell
Posted in Character by Stephen Hilderbrand with no comments yet.
Creature: Marsh Troll Ranger (CR 6)
Marsh Troll Ranger (CR 6)
CE Large Male Troll Ranger 1
Init: +2
Senses: Darkvision 90′, Lowlight Vision, Scent
Listen +5, Spot +6
AC: 20 (-1 size, +2 dex, +5 natural, +4 armor), touch 11, flat-footed 18
HP: 90 (7d8+42)
Fort: +13 Ref: +6 Will: +3
MV: 20 ft.
Base Attack: +5 Grapple: +15
Attack: Claw +10 (1d6+6) or bow +7 (2d6+3) [+1/+1 under 30ft]
Full Attack: 2 Claws +10 (1d6+6) and bite +5 (1d6+3) or bow +7 (2d6+3) [+1/+1 under 30ft]
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special attacks: Rend (2d6+9)
Abilities: Str: 23 (+6) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 23 (+6) Int: 10 Wis: 9 (-1) Cha: 6 (-2)
Feats: Alertness, Iron Will, Track, Point Blank Shot
Skills: Craft (trapmaking) +1, +6 Hide, Listen +5, Spot +6, +0 Survival
Gear: Hide Armor, Large Composite Longbow (+3 Str), Rope Arrows (10), Arrows (20), Dagger
SA: favored enemy (humanoid: human), Track, Wild Empathy, Regeneration 5 (fire and acid deal normal damage)
Rend (ex): If the troll hits with both claw attacks it latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+9 points of damage.
Posted in Creature and tagged giant by Stephen Hilderbrand with no comments yet.
Creature: Bog Hounds (CR 2)
Bog Hounds should be treated as worgs with Swamp Stride. (CR 2) Their fur is often matted down by the muddy landscapes they inhabit, and they smell of rotten eggs.
Bog Hounds HP: 29, 33
SA: Swamp Stride, Trip
Swamp Stride (Ex): A bog hound may move through any natural swampy or marshy terrain at normal speed without impairment.
Posted in Creature and tagged magical beast by Stephen Hilderbrand with no comments yet.
Creature: The Cats of Ulthar
Cats of Ulthar
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft
Armor Class: 14 (+2 size +2 dex)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3 / –
Attack: Swarm 1d6+1
Full Attack: Swarm 1d6+1
Space/Reach: 10ft / 0ft
Special Attacks: Distraction, stunning aura
Special Qualities: Swarm traits, low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16
Skills: Balance +10, Climb +6, Hide +14, Jump +10, Listen +3, Move Silently +6, Spot +3.
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative
Environment: Temperate and lunar planes
Organization: Solitary, pride (2-6 swarms), or hunting party (7-12 swarms)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral with lawful and good tendencies
Advancement: None
Level Adjustment: —
Thousands of yellow cat eyes blink at you malevolently and a paralytic fear grips you. No sound comes from the horde of felines as they pounce upon and completely envelop you.
These creatures are indistinguishable from normal domestic felines. However, they are highly intelligent, well organized, magical beasts. Any mistreatment of the feline race incurs their vengeance. Once they learn of a crime, they gather under the light of the moon in sufficient numbers to dispatch the transgressor without warning. They are chillingly efficient, leaving behind no trace of their victims.
Stunning Aura (Su): Any living creature within 10′ of the swarm of Cats of Ulthar must make a DC 15 Will save or be stunned for 1 round. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on its Will save remains immune to the cats’ stunning presence for 24 hours.
Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that begins its turn with a swarm in its square must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or be shaken (-2 to attacks, saves, skill and ability checks) for one round.
Skills: Cats have a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks. Cats of Ulthar also receive a plus one million racial bonus on Jump checks when they leap from rooftops to the dark side of the moon.
Posted in Creature and tagged animal, swarm, swarm subtype by Adam A. Thompson with no comments yet.
Encounter: The Baleful Bog and Teen Troll Ranger (EL 8)
Presented below is an encounter with a crafty troll ranger who has laid an ambush involving a pool of quicksand. Included are some of the features applicable to any swamp you might use the encounter in, a complete description of the encounter, and statistics for the trap-laying troll.

Marsh Features
Fog: The entire marsh area is covered in low-hanging fog that obscures ground details. Attempting any tracking in this fog increases the DC by +2.
Marsh Terrain (DMG p.88): with the exception of the remnants of the road, this entire swamp is a moor. Terrain is as follows:
20% of terrain is Shallow Bog (movement is 2/1, Tumble DCs are +2),
5% is Deep Bog (Movement is 4/1 or you can swim, Tumble is impossible, water provides cover),
30% is Light Undergrowth (movement is 2/1, Tumble DCs are +2, provides 20% miss chance concealment), 10% is Heavy Undergrowth (movement is 2/1, Tumble DCs are +2, provides 30% miss chance concealment).
The remaining 35% of terrain is normal.
As the players enter this area, read or paraphrase the following:
“Low brush and pools of water are half-concealed by low-lying fog. Dark trees stretch up, as though trying to escape the fetid swamp; dense vines, moss and foliage block out any light from the sky. The buried and half-submerged road is blocked at two places by fallen trees, the first 50′ ahead and the second another 50′ past that.”
The area to the left of the path at the second fallen tree is a patch of quicksand (see below) that the troll has concealed (DC 25 Spot or Survival check to detect). Anyone entering the squares marked as quicksand will fall in and begin to sink.
Creatures: A clever troll ranger is hiding in a hunter’s blind 30′ up in a tree and 30 feet away from the road, waiting for prey (Hide:+3 bonus for being 30 ft away, +6 ranks in Hide, -4 for size Large, +10 circumstance bonus because the blind is exceptionally cunning, for a total Hide of +15).
When the party gets to the second blockage on the path, the troll ranger will swing down from the blind and attempt to bull rush a member of the party into the quicksand hidden next to the path (with +4 circumstance bonus for momentum and +4 for size Large). He may wait at first to see if any of the players stumble into the quicksand and the other players are distracted trying to rescue him.
Once he completes the bull rush, he will land on the ground on the opposite side of the bog. From there he will harry the party with showers of arrows. The first shot will be with a rope-arrow at the party member in the quicksand. The troll is equipped with a composite longbow (+3 Str) and 10 barbed arrows with a thin but strong cord made of vine attached to the shaft allowing him to retrieve prey from the quicksand. These rope arrows are located in a quiver hidden behind a tree stump. The ends of the cords are already secured to the tree stump.
The Teen Troll Ranger is here. In addition, there are Bog Hounds.
Tactics: Attempting to surprise any prey, the troll will initiate combat with a bull rush to push an opponent into the quicksand. He will likely target the party member with the heaviest armor and will recieve a +4 circumstance bonus for momentum and a +4 bonus for his large size.
After the party member is trapped in the quicksand, the troll will fire a rope-arrow at him, allowing retrieval of his corpse later. At the same time, he will yell for his bog hounds (free action), who will arrive 1d3 rounds later. The troll, being fearless, will then fight to the death.
When they arrive the bog hounds will attack the weakest looking party member, making use of their trip attacks.
Quicksand: Roughly 25′ x 25′ area. The troll has covered the surface of the quicksand with leaves, brush, and other natural vegetation to conceal its true nature. The party can detect the trap with a DC 25 Survival or Search check. Any character entering squares marked on the map as quicksand immediately falls in and is subject to the effects of quicksand as listed in the DMG on page 88.
CR 6; mechanical; automatic reset; DC 25 Reflex avoids; 30ft. deep; drowning danger; Search DC 25; Disable Device DC 15 to clear camouflage.
Treasure: The troll has a belt-pouch with 50 silver coins and 35 gold coins, and has secured some prey he has caught in the blind with him. It amounts to 10 days worth of fresh rabbit and young wild pig meat.
Development: If the party defeats the teen troll ranger, they should be able to help drowning compatriots by pulling them out of the quicksand by the cords attached to the rope-arrows the troll shot them with. Doing so is a DC 15 strength check for every 5 feet they move their friends.
Ad Hoc XP Adjustment: +%20, or give experience for entire encounter as a CR 8.
Posted in Encounter and tagged Location by Stephen Hilderbrand with no comments yet.
Character: Gundar Harl, Priest of Pelor (Lvl 5)
Gundar Harl, Priest of Pelor: A warrior priest, born an aristocrat and initiated into the holy mysteries of Pelor, Gundar is as strong as he is charming. Ambitious, and often bold, arrogant, and self-righteous, this young priest prefers to fight evil through heroic deeds rather than preaching to congregations. At the same time he is very used to getting his way in social settings, and is as powerful a debater and diplomat as he is a warrior, making him a natural leader.
Gundar can be used in your game as a ready-made PC or NPC. As a NPC he could travel with the party for a time, perhaps as they assist him with a task or vanquish some evil. He could also be useful as a contact or ally from within the temple he eventually builds. You may also find Gundar Harl useful as an antagonist, either unchanged or with slight modifications to his alignment or spells. In this case his equipment should also be reduced, as he was given equipment appropriate for a PC (at 5th and 10th level) and as such would provide an unbalancing amount of treasure for his EL.
Tactics: Gundar casts spells to increase his combat effectiveness then closes and brings an end to evil in melee combat with his mace and touch spells. As he gains levels he gets more spells that also help those around him, and a few spells to weaken his foes.
Backstory: Gundar is the youngest son of a minor lord, who was sent to a big cathedral to study. Here, he earned the trust of his god through his studies. Now he has been sent forth on his journeymanship to prove himself in deeds, to spread the word of Pelor to the masses. He discovered that he is more interested in and is better at directly fighting evil than in proselytising, or fighting evil in his fellow man’s souls. He grew weary of the notion of settling down, being more excited about adventuring and building a cathedral of his own, having a parish of his own, one day rising to become a bishop.
This has created a slight rift between him and his elders; he has become a slight outcast among his peers and those who taught him his ways. He is still true to Pelor, so having his own parish makes sense to him. He connects with people through more everyday events rather than as a preacher, though at times he can be arrogant and self righteous. As such, he can be easily persuaded to accept missions to fight evil. This is one of his weaknesses. His other is his pride and greed: he wishes to become an important and wealthy person in the church, though this does not ultimately prevent him from carrying out Pelor’s will and doing good.
Gundar Harl NG Size Medium Male Human Cleric 5 CR 5
Senses: normal vision
Listen +3 Spot +3
AC: 21 (-1 dex, +9 armor, +2 shield, +1 deflection)
HD: 5d8 HP: 28
MV: 20′ or 50′ mounted
Base Attack: +3 Grp: +6
Attack: +7 heavy mace (1d8+4) or +2 Heavy Crossbow (1d10, 19-20 x2)
F: +5 R: +1 W: +8
s: 16 (+3) d: 9 c: 11 i: 10 w: 16 (+3) c: 15 (+2)
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Mounted Combat
Skills: concentration +8, diplomacy +10, know religion +2, know history +2, profession (barrister) +5, spellcraft +2
Gear: (9000 gp worth) gold holy symbol of pelor, +1 full plate (2650gp), +1 heavy mace (2312gp), MW Large Steel Sheild (170gp), Heavy crossbow (50gp), 10 bolts, white tabard with gold sun sewn on chest, Red Cloak or Resistance +1 (1000gp), Ring of Protection +1, heavy warhorse with saddle, bit and saddlebags (426), backpack, 3 flasks of holy water (75), bedroll, 3 torches, 5 days rations, etc.
SA: Cleric Spells (Domains: Strength, Sun), Turn Undead, Greater Turning 1/day, Feat of Strength (+5 str 1/day for 1 rd.)
Spells Prepared:
3rd (2+1): bestow curse, inflict serious wounds, searing light*
2nd (3+1): inflict moderate wounds, sound burst, spiritual weapon, bull strength*
1st (4+1): cause fear, divine favor, magic stone, doom, enlarge person*
0th (5): detect magic, guidance, inflict minor wounds, mending, resistance
* : domain spell
Posted in Character by Adam A. Thompson with no comments yet.
Magic Item: Marbles of Ulthar
Originally developed in lands far to the south, beyond the river Skai, Marbles of Ulthar have grown in popularity among lay- and street magicians. When the marbles are cast against the ground, or another being, they instantly become a creature corresponding with each marble type, as if summoned via Summon Monster. Each marble is consumed in this process, so the bags of marbles have charges equal to the number of marbles in the pouch. These marbles are usually found in bags of about twenty, distributed roughly as 50% cat’s eyes (typical housecats), 20% large cat’s eyes (Ulthar cats), 10% dark cloudy (panther), 10% milky (lynx) and 10% swirl (tiger). The summoned creatures last 10 minutes.
The effects are as a medium conjuration, caster level 7. In order to create this item, the creator must have Craft Wonderous Item and cast Summon Nature’s Ally 4 or Summon Monster 4, along with a tuft of feline fur. Price: 2,000gp.
There are two variants. The Minor Marbles of Ulthar have a 25% chance of summoning great cats and a 75% chance of summoning housecats, and cost 1,000gp. The Greater Marbles of Ulthar have a 75% change of summoning great cats, priced at 4,000gp.
For a description of Ulthar cats, see the upcoming entry on them.
Posted in Magic Item and tagged wondrous item by Stephen Hilderbrand with no comments yet.