Minecraft and Discord

Unicorn Rampant has just resurrected our Minecraft server – message us for an invitation!

We’ve also just set up a Discord server so that people playing Minecraft on the server have an easy way to chat – https://discord.gg/KttqFYVA

Happy Gaming!


Everybody’s lining up to play!

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Let’s hit the mall!

More fun than ever with this new update to Class of 198X, The Adventure!

Featuring 16 new pages of mall encounters, this update is sure to satisfy every shopper!

Available now in your online RPG library here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/215879/Class-of-198X–The-Adventure

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New Vampyre Women of Venus map file – No Assembly Required

After receiving several requests for this, we’ve added an uncut copy of the map for Vampyre Women of Venus (available in our store here). Now you can print this single file at any size you like for your home games of VWoV! No cutting or assembly required.

We sincerely hope you enjoy, and happy gaming!

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2019 Spring Convention Schedule

Adam A. Thompson will be running games this spring at OwlCon in Houston, TX and at GaryCon in Lake Geneva, WI.

If you’d like to play some games with Adam, schedules are as follows:

OwlCon 2019 – Rice University Campus (Houston, TX) – Feburary 22 – 24

Classic Dungeons & Dragons (5e) – Saturday at 10:00 AM, 8 hours, Student Center: Sammy’s:4

Many heroes have traveled into the hills above Verbonbc in search of the rumored lost treasure of Rufulo and Zanzabar. But a new terror inhabited the black craig a month ago – a dragon and evil cultists devoted to it. Now two of the village’s children have been kidnapped, slated to be sacrificed in just eight hours! Dare you adventurers venture thither to rescue the children?

Traveller: First Run – Sunday 10 AM, 4 hours, Herring Hall:224:1

Try your hand at one of the original science-fiction role-playing games: Traveller. No previous experience required. In a far-flung future where anything is possible, the players will first create their own characters, earning skills, contacts, and enemies as they journey through the depths of space. Then, events that no one could have predicted will hurl the characters into crisis that could threaten their very lives!


GaryCon 2019 – Grand Geneva Resort & Spa (Lake Geneva, WI) – March 7 – 10

Vampyre Women of Venus Open Play – Friday at 6:00 PM, 4 hours, at Forum C FORC-363
An adventure board game set on a pulp sci-fi planet Venus where the players’ rocket ship has crash landed. New players may try their luck every hour with this quick game. Rotating rounds of play should be the norm. Three different ways to win—solo or co-operative. Stop by at the top of any hour to play.

Classic Dungeons & Dragons (5e) – Saturday at 1:00 PM, 8 hours 1777, Westgate A WGA-394
Many heroes have traveled into the hills above Verbonbc in search of the rumored lost treasure of Rufulo and Zanzabar. But lately, a new threat has inhabited the bleak peak: A night-soaring dragon and its reptilian worshipers. Now the cultists have kidnapped some of the village children to be sacrificed to the dragon at midnight! Dare ye adventurers venture thither?

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My Teenage Wasteland

Greetings true believers! I’m excited to announce that I’ll be speaking on a panel at #RTX this year, at 3:30 Saturday August 4th in the Hilton Grand Ballroom!

Come ask me all of the questions about writing #ClassOf198x !

Come see Brett and the boys (presumably)!

Hell, Geoff might even show up? I honestly have no idea!


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Class of 198X Season Two

In case you missed it, the second season of our actual-play Dungeons & Dragons show Class of 198X is available here!

See the comedians of Cow Chop play teenagers from the 1980’s and bumble their way through time and space in this incredible adventure, fighting adversaries (and each other) every step of the way.

If you’d like to play the adventure from season one of the show, it’s right here!

Posted in 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons, announcement, D20 Modern, Fantasy, Science-Fiction and tagged by with no comments yet.

Claw Claw Bite Magazine Issue 19 Now Available

And best of all it’s free* here: Claw Claw Bite #19Claw Claw Bite - Issue 19.

Seventy-two pages of fun, action packed science-fiction role-playing goodness!

Use it for a whole campaign, or borrow bits and pieces from it for your own adventures.

Written for Mongoose Traveller, everything here can easily be adapted to other rules systems.




Fantastic Weapons!

Space Pirates!

Planet of the Cybertank, a ready-to-play adventure!

A Detailed Subsector, and a Campaign Seed to use there!

Get it now at DriveThruRPG!

* Pay What You Want

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Claw Claw Bite #19

Claw Claw Bite magazine proudly presents issue 19, 74 pages of content for your Traveller, Starfinder, or other sci-fi RPG. All for FREE! Click here for your copy.

Gritty space opera with fast starfighters, towering mechs, blazing plasma-swords, bizarre psionic powers, strange aliens, and a new campaign seed complete with a fully-detailed subsector known as The Skein Reach.

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One Page Dungeon Contest 2014

The April 30th deadline for the One Page Dungeon Contest 2014 is rapidly approaching! This fantastic “competition” is a great excuse to dust off an old adventure you’re run and distill it to its essence. You can find out lots more about what one pagers are all about, including the submission rules and guidelines on their site in case you want to share your one-page creations with the (role playing) world.

The site is also a fine repository of fantastic ideas for adventures if you’re running one in the near future.  Nothing quite like being prepared for a game you’re running…

I have put together a one-page version of an adventure we ran at a few Houston gaming conventions in 2013, The Tomb of Athganazar and just submitted it. Regardless of how it fares, the joy is in the making!

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Free Download of Fourthcore Alphabet

In honor of Halloween, SVD Press has made their Fouthcore Alphabet available as a free PDF download from Lulu now through the dark holiday.

We have found this to be a valuable resource for generating new ideas for dungeons, denizens, and deathtraps! Each letter of the roman alphabet contains tables of 1d20 and 2d20 roll results with juicy elements to pick and choose in your deep or ad hoc dungeon design.

Go get your copy now before it’s too late.  You’ll kick yourself if you don’t.

And as always, make it fun!

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