If Game of Thrones were Dungeons & Dragons – Sir Meow-ntain

After playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) for more than thirty years, I often interpret a film or book as though it were a group of people playing. Here’s my take on Game of Thrones as if it were a game of D&D that George R.R. Martin was Dungeon Mastering.

Don’t worry, I have some more of these memes on the way.

Sometimes when you’re playing D&D the Dungeon Master does something to a Player Character that the Player never wants to happen again. Sometimes players take a setback personally or badly. Resourceful players will often then try to take precautions against a reoccurrence of the unpleasantness. Having your character’s favorite thing destroyed or stolen often makes players furious, as just one example. It’s a natural reaction to a traumatic event.

In Game of Thrones, if Circe were a PC, her Player’s apparent reaction to being taken prisoner included getting a giant, golden-cat-helmed, Frankenstein-esque murdering machine who was sworn to destroy all her enemies.


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Atavistic Onslaught 4

Another illustrated moment from the Savage Tide game I’m running. This occurred in the basement of the Seventh Coil minting house in Scuttlecove – Frank’s Vannaran shaman, “Tirapiki” is coup’de-grac-ing a stunned Yaun-Ti.

Art courtesy of Daniel Smith, colored by myself.

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Trolls and Tribulations 3: A Player’s Worst Nightmare…

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Trolls and Tribulations 2: Diplomacy

Text: S.D. Hilderbrand
Image: Jason Maggitti and S.D. Hilderbrand

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Trolls and Tribulations – Session 1

Graphics: Jason Maggitti
Text: S.D. Hilderbrand

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