The Art of the Session Recap

We are pleased to announce the release of The Art of the Session Recap, 28 pages of creative roleplaying session summaries, featuring selected submissions by Don Hupp, Panzer Leader, Oneinchsquare, Matt Harris, Lt. Col Colin Callahan, and 3 entries around a race of sci-fi beings known as the Watchers from S.D. Hilderbrand, Tom Walton, and Frank J. Kim..  Get it here for free!


Many of today’s gamers, especially those with young families, can’t make every session of a weekly, multi-year roleplaying campaign.  I find it much easier to keep up with and interested in a campaign if a fellow player or the DM posts a recap on a wiki, a bulletin board, or even sends out a summary via email.  In addition to keeping players in the loop, these recaps provide players with a chance to digest the session’s material and to prepare for the upcoming session.  Furthermore, session recaps provide a more in-depth description of events, allowing the players to add the richness of the story, either in character or taking their turn as the narrator.

I find these journals, logs, and correspondences to be great time capsules of the campaign and memory logs when remembering adventures with friends. These annals provide additional flavor to the campaign world, and add perspective.  After all, no fun roleplaying world is purely the thought of one individual.

Unfortunately, in most campaigns, not every session is logged, transcribed, or otherwise captured by the DM or players.  DMs are often swamped making sense of dice rolls and character actions, while planning the next moves of the challengers in a given encounter.

Here are a few methods and ideas for inspiring players and DMs that you game with to keep an ongoing log of the adventure.

  • Set up a blog, wiki, or bulletin board (or all three!) and make sure your players have accounts and tutorials.
  • Take turns acting in the role of scribe of the session, ensuring that the key moments are covered.  Different players will cover the events differently, and this is fun to see play out.   Players may even challenge one-another to come up with increasingly creative and interesting session recaps.  Offer XP, perhaps even on a per-word or per-ten-words basis, to dispel the curse of writer’s block.
  • Players playing characters who are bards, historians, politicians, or others of the “literate class” of the campaign world have a natural stake in ensuring that the story is correctly told.  These players make natural scribes, allowing their characters to use these opportunities to feed back into the history of the world and potentially affect change by increasing the popularity of the party, or by casting the ruler of a land as a tyrant, etc.  This provides another avenue of agency.

My favorite session recaps are those written in character, or with the constraints, openness, and information dissemination methods of the campaign world in mind.

Thanks to all who entered or contest, and congratulations to those selected to appear in the collection.

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Issue 17 Released!

As you know, Claw/Claw/Bite is a magazine devoted to developing new material for Pathfinder and d20 system role playing games.

This issue of Claw/Claw/Bite includes the following:

  • * 4 new elements of campaign flavor, including medallions of honor!
  • * 6 new characters with backgrounds, including a wandering pair of NPCs!
  • * 7 new creatures, including 2 devious NPC rakshasas and a new construct!
  • * 3 new locations, including Bale Morrow and a lone tree within!
  • * 12 new magic and special items, including sylvanthread armor!
  • * 3 mini plot threads to weave into your campaign!
  • * 1 new presige class, the Arcane Runethrower!
  • * 1 new race, a return to classic storytelling with hobbits!
  • * 2 new spells, including one to bless and fortify structures!
  • * 2 new traps and hazards, including map pins and false traps!
  • * 2 variant rules, including a new attribute, cunning!
  • * and a new comic, the next installment of Trolls and Tribulations!
  • Note the new landcape design, complete with 3-column presentation.

    Buy the new issue at rpgnow, or if you simply must have it for free for review purposes, email us at clawclawbite AT gmail DOT com.

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    Omnibus 1 Released!

    The first fifteen issues of Claw/Claw/Bite for the price of five!

    Welcome to our world of strange and wonderful things, traveler. Bizarre treasures, cunning adversaries, powerful adventurers, and mystic realms are waiting for you. This omnibus is a collection of some of our best work over the past two and a half years.

    It’s been a great joy to bring this material to you for the past few years, and we have every intent to continue this magazine, even as our new periodical, Tailslap, is gaining in popularity alongside the new edition of the core rules.

    Our goal is to be a one-stop shop for you, the storyteller. All of our creations are designed for d20 3.5 rules. Many of the game elements that you see in this periodical will find their way into modules published by Unicorn Rampant, which will be available on!

    Go pick up your copy at

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    Issue 6 Rereleased!

    Claw/Claw/Bite is a resource for storytellers and gamemasters to help create thrilling worlds of adventure for your players to test their mettle in. In each issue, you’ll find new characters, creatures, magic items, encounters, and locations for use in your campaigns. We also include little nuggets that will enrich your world with interesting details and intriguing features.

    Our goal is to be a “one-stop shop” for you, the gamemaster. With little or no tweaking on your part, you will be able to drop any game element from Claw/Claw/Bite into your adventure setting and run it how you see fit. All of our creations are designed for d20 fantasy rules. And of course, everything is carefully reviewed and balanced to fit into your game without disrupting your play balance or giving you too much rope.

    This issue of Claw/Claw/Bite includes:

    * Three new characters, including two powerful mages
    * Two new locations with five encounters, including Harpy Point
    * A new race, the Wyndm-folk
    * Nine new magic items, including three new purses and bags
    * A minor artifact, the Visage of Scahrossar
    * A new spell, Phase Object
    * And a new creature, the Begotten of the Old Ones.

    Buy it here.

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    Issue 5 Rereleased!

    Claw/Claw/Bite is a resource for storytellers and gamemasters to help create thrilling worlds of adventure for your players to test their mettle in. In each issue, you’ll find new characters, creatures, magic items, encounters, and locations for use in your campaigns. We also include little nuggets that will enrich your world with interesting details and intriguing features.

    Our goal is to be a “one-stop shop” for you, the gamemaster. With little or no tweaking on your part, you will be able to drop any game element from Claw/Claw/Bite into your adventure setting and run it how you see fit. All of our creations are designed for d20 fantasy rules. And of course, everything is carefully reviewed and balanced to fit into your game without disrupting your play balance or dragging you too deep into the woods.

    This issue of Claw/Claw/Bite includes:

    * A new spell, Studied Divination
    * Six new characters, including Morbane the Mad Monk of Elsemere
    * A new magic items, the Paddle of Punishment
    * A new creature, the Glacial Frost Worm
    * A new location, the Hamlet of Elsemere
    * And an encounter, the Ritual in the Woods.

    Buy it here. Oh, and Happy Halloween, everyone!

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    Issue 15 Released!

    Claw/Claw/Bite is a resource for storytellers and gamemasters to help create thrilling worlds of adventure for your players to test their mettle in. In each issue, you’ll find new characters, creatures, magic items, encounters, and locations for use in your campaigns. We also include little nuggets that will enrich your world with interesting details and intriguing features.

    Our goal is to be a “one-stop shop” for you, the gamemaster. With little or no tweaking on your part, you will be able to drop any game element from Claw/Claw/Bite into your adventure setting and run it how you see fit. All of our creations are designed for d20 fantasy rules. And of course, everything is carefully reviewed and balanced to fit into your game without disrupting your play balance or stumbling upon the Stalking Eye.

    This issue of Claw/Claw/Bite includes:

    * A new deity, Bachtoffen
    * Three new dream spells including Dream Port
    * Two new characters, two clerics with something extra
    * Seven new creatures, including the Stalking Eye
    * Seven new magic and mundane items, including “Three Strikes”
    * Two new locations, including the Dream Plane
    * And Session 1 of the new comic Trolls and Tribulations.

    Buy it for $3 (cheap!) here!

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    Stealing Moments Released!

    This is a dungeon adventure for 10th-level characters. Finally released (in third printing!) after much deliberation and perfectionism… finally getting over that… Here’s the blurb:

    A group of rogues has moved into a cave in the Silvermist Mountains a few miles uphill hike from the local town of Farreach. These false heroes were once noble and devout, but have become corrupted by loot, lust, and the desire for greater power. They are now working for, or more accurately controlled by, begotten of the old ones, who in turn are working for a stalking eye. They have been performing experiments on the Silver Orb of the Ages, a magic artifact made of magesilver, a magic metal which amplifies arcane magical power.

    The Orb can help control the flow of time, making it a powerful item indeed. However, the stalking eye knows not how to wield the Orb’s power, and must rely upon the false heroes to learn its secrets.

    The party steps in and time flies like an arrow.

    This adventure features the veteran writing of Stephen Hilderbrand, author of six other role-playing adventures soon to be published by Unicorn Rampant and Inverspace Press.

    And here’s the download link.

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