Map Pins

This campaign flavor is also a nice trap, or in the modern parlance, a hazard. Have a map available on a desk or pinned to a wall in a mage’s tower, with a map pin corresponding to the current location. As the characters remove the pins and place them in new locations, the tower teleports them to the new location.

See how this can be used in various forms and in various environments, for instance representing the location of a large floating disk in a catacomb riddled with pit traps. The party will have to play with the pins on their confusing map (where are they, for instance?) until they find which one will bring them the disk. Meanwhile, other pins correspond to beholders and other nasty creatures, which the party inadvertently teleports in in their search for the disk.

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Blessed Structures

In some regions of Proppia, it is rumored that the buildings themselves are touched by a powerful force.

In order to bless a structure, a 4th level spell, bless structure must be cast with the appropriate magical material component to provide the base bonus.

The effects of these enchantments are due to magical amulets and ward statues mortared within the structures themselves. These bonuses can come in many forms, including strength, AC, saves, temporary hit points, etc.

A common recipient of these blessings are walls, which add bonuses to all those on defense within the walls. This is a great way to achieve mass effects upon entire forces.

Blessings placed in structures are nullified if removed from the structures themselves, for instance if excavated. In these situations, the amulets, statues and other magical items which provided the wards often retain their bonuses, but travel with their new owners. In order for them to bless a new structure, they must be used as material components in the new bless structure invocation.

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Alternate Lanterns

We’re bringing you some campaign flavor this Halloween night, in the form of alternate lanterns to light up the night.

Hollowed Vegetables

Citizens of towns and villages carve out the centers of excess vegetables from the harvest, placing them on their doorsteps to light the paths. Commonly carved vegetables include pumpkins, potatoes, and turnips, which, when carved, are called jack o’lanterns, named after the phenomenon of strange light flickering over peat bogs, called ignis fatuus.

Hammered Tins

Tins will often have holes pressed through them to allow light through. These are filled with candles and set out as long-term light sources with short-term fires.

Wooden Barrels

Some townsfolk are fond of chiseling or sawing holes in wooden barrels set at intersections, wherein smaller lamps are often placed. These holes allow light to pass through, illuminating the path, while protecting the wick from wind and rain.

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Medallion of Honor

As a means of introducing campaign flavor, we recommend using Medallions of Honor. these medallions exist in many forms, and are awarded by communities and organizations to those who perform honorable deeds, for instance a party which saves a village from a marauding goblin army or saves a favored daughter of the hamlet.

Most common Medallions of Honor grant a +1 AC bonus (Sacred) to the wearer. However, they range through +5 bonuses, and can also bestow a number of other powers to the wearer. For instance, Medallions of Honor in aquatic communities often grant waterbreathing.

Prices range based on ability as dictated by the DMG, with additional cost bonuses for the stones which adorn them, be they turquoise, copper, or diamond.

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Roadside Shrines

Roadside Shrines are found throughout Farghoal. Some are even far off the road, in the middle of the wilderness. Wherever people have found a reason to note a piece of ground, shrines can be found.

These shrines have multiple uses:

* providing a location to worship while on the road
* providing a source of (holy) water for travelers
* consecrating an area that once was tainted
* memorializing an event, such as a successful battle or a treaty
* memorializing a hero, especially one of the traveling saints
* providing spiritual or holy defense of an area

Sample Roadside Shrines

In the Central Valley, shrines are common roadside reminders of times past. The rich histories of the people who live in the valley are woven together in detailed, sometimes cryptic poetry and prose.

Every mile or so (twenty minutes walk) between towns and inns there is some shrine serving as a reminder of the teamwork and sharing that keeps the valley thriving.

Some towns have markers in the form of shrines on every corner, telling some part of the story. Though these have mostly taken on a more secular meaning. Those that have not are homages to Farlagn, though others praise Pelor, Moradin, or Toddemere Wolfhaven, a minor god of travel.

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Traveler’s Tables

Traveler’s tables are nice little elements to add some spice (and encounter locations) to your worlds. Placed outside the city walls, though often in view of the town guard, these are simple tables set up so that merchants and travelers can regroup, take in a meal, and generally rest up before heading into the hustle and bustle of town and city centers.

The construction of the tables varies per region, with some city-states erecting magnificent stone tables, complete with moderate shelter, horse ties and posts, working wells and shrines. Other, less well-to-do locales offer more meager accommodations, but all municipalities consider it their duty to accommodate the weary traveler, and this is one such gesture of welcome.

These locations are often named for famous adventurers who hail from the towns in which they are placed.

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