Inspire Truth

A bard of 5th level or higher with 8 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to create an effect similar to zone of truth for all those in range of the song. The song or poetics must continue for the effect to continue, requiring the concentration of the bard playing the song or reciting the poem. The bard playing the song is not affected, and other bards who recognize this song receive a +5 bonus on their Will saves to ignore the effect.

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Hammer of Deafening

This +2 hammer, when slammed to the earth deafens those within 15 feet. A DC 20 is required to avoid this effect within 5′, a DC 18 for those within 10′ and a DC 16 for those within 15′. Those wielding the hammer are immune to this effect, though they tend to be a bit hard of hearing after a few uses.

Minor Evocation; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, sound burst, caster level 7; 10,000 gold

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