Is There Honor Amongst You?

honor_among_thieves_cover-300x169We are pleased to announce the release of our latest adventure, written by S.D. Hilderbrand and Leo Monaghan of Dungeonstone.  From the introduction:

Is There Honor Amongst You? is a tournament-ready dungeon delve for 6-8 5th level rogues.  We have provided eight pregenerated characters at the end of this module, half of which are straight rogues, and the other half of which are multi-classed characters with a few levels of rogue.

Living on the streets of Waymar is a difficult task for those who would live in the shadows. Without the protection of the Guild it seems only a matter of time before your luck runs out, you take one risk too many and end up in either the city’s dungeons or its gallows.

Members of the guild however almost never seem to suffer such fates, even when caught they tend to be seen again out on the streets or in the local taverns mere days after their arrest. As such, membership into the Guild is the goal for all those who work outside the law.

Unfortunately, they only recruit once every two years and even then potential applicants must past a rigorous review in order to even be considered for membership…

…And then of course there is the final challenge…

As presented by the guild leader:

“Your goal is to pilfer the most loot from this city lord.  We have bribed his guards and convinced them to take up residence in the local tavern for a period of two hours and not a minute more. Understand that anyone still inside the underground when the time expires will have failed the test and be left to their fate.


Pick up a copy from rpgnow.

The character sheets for these characters are available in a separate document available at

This adventure is Dungeonstone-ready; the map can be built using just a few sets of the leader in stone dungeons.

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