Soup Stone

Dropped into a cauldron or pot filled with water, this knobby stone will leak the taste of onions, carrots, potatoes, and other root vegetables into the mix, proving a nutritious and tasty meal. The stone shrinks by a negligible margin with each use; a new soup stone lasts up to a year.

This meal will not cover all the nutritional needs of an adventurer, but will provide more than half, making soup stones a valuable, if not expensive item. Multiple soup stones add to the nutritious value of the meal, and make the meal tastier.

Unfortunately, if soup stones get wet (by rain or accidental dunking in a river), they wear away much quicker.

To make a soup stone, the caster must be able to create food through magical means and must be able to enchant objects. Price: 750 gp.

Drawing by Ben Dare.

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Wine of Telling

The various wines of telling inspire wondrous stories of faraway lands in those who drink them. Those consuming the same wine as the storyteller receive bonuses to follow the story as it is being told. In the hands of a powerful enough bard, these stories lead to adventures in these lands. Different wine types lead to different stories (and thus different adventures) — think forks tuned to different planes.

Here, the effect is felt by those who hear stories told by those under the influence of the wine. For instance, if a bard tells a story about a far away land, and has been drinking wine of telling, all those who can hear the story are whisked away to the foreign land for the duration of the buzz.

Wine of telling is usually served from the clay decanters in which they are distributed. This keeps the sunlight from ruining the flavor or the enchantment.

Price: 500-1000gp. To make wine of telling, it takes someone with a Profession: Vintner of 5 one month per batch. In addition, the vintner must have access (either through arcane magic or access to magical grapes) to the ability to teleport or plane shift. The effects of the wine are limited by which of these powers the vintner imbues the wine with.

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Found in the wild on slopes around the Central Valley, truthberries, or as they are known in the halfling community, welshabaer, have the effect of causing those who eat or drink their juice to remain honest, even under duress. The effect is similar to a zone of truth focused on the consumer of these berries, with a duration of anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour depending on how many berries are consumed.

Their oily outer skin gives them a texture almost of an olive in its own oil. These berries are seen in a number of forms, since they also work when baked into pies or distilled into wine or schnapps.

Truthberries can be used as the material components in various spells.

Forward thinkers in the Republic of Esrun have also used truthberries to calm warriors about to head into battle or negotiations by coating armor with their oil.

These berries sell for as much as 10gp per pound in regions far from the Central Valley, but since they grow in the wild, nobody has yet thought of trying to package them for markets.

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Wine of Travel

These various vintages have been magically enhanced to provide teleportation to the regions where they are from. Blends teleport their drinkers to somewhere in the region where the grapes originate, whereas wines of travel specific to a field teleport their drinkers to that field. Vintners of this variety usually keep gazebos or other structures in their fields for their travelers to escape strong weather.

Other varieties have been keyed to other locations, such as castles, keeps, and crypts, depending on the garden of vines and the incantation which enchanted them.

Those who drink these wines often disappear in the night, and awake groggy under the effect of a hangover-like jetlag. The bottles remain where they are drunk, remnants of their consumption.

Minor conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Profession: Vintner of at least 10, Prices range from 100 to 25,000 gp, depending on the rarity and choiceness of the destination; Weight 3 lb per bottle.

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Pouch of Sating

This pouch provides fresh sustenance one person according to the hunger level of the owner. The pouch appears full and is as heavy as the amount of today’s food left in it, but will only provide food for the owner, and only as much as she needs at the moment.

The food is kept fresh by being stored in a vacuum in a pocket dimension.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest, create food and water. Price: 1,000gp per month’s worth of food.

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