Gladiator’s Net

These nets are used to capture men or animals in gladiatorial arenas and in the wild. The nets are large enough to ensnare one large or smaller creature, and do so with the help of many small hooks and weights attached to the net. A strong tether is attached to the net, and the thrower holds it to prevent the ensnared creature from escaping.

Attacking with the net is a range 3 Dexterity vs. Reflex attack. A hit indicates that you have initiated a grab against the target. This works as a normal grab except that the target can move, just not farther away from you. As normal for a grab, an Acrobatics vs Reflex or an Athletics vs. Fortitude attack is used to escape.

Once the net has been thrown, it takes two move actions to reel it back in and prepare it to be thrown again.

Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Net +0 special 3 25 g 5 lbs none reload 2 move

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